The Grand Dessert Tour


It will be great next year.

I've fallen in love with St. Louis, and I've always loved desserts. The natural next step is to intertwine the two. There are over 38 dessert shops in the greater St. Louis and St. Louis County areas. Okay, I haven't counted yet; but there's a lot. I thought 2020 would be a great year to orchestrate Grand Dessert Tour of St. Louis; however, the sweeping pandemic has made me reconsider my plans. So I will reschedule.

I think an excellent 2021 goal for #nosaddesserts would be to visit all of the bakeries and ice cream shops in the St. Louis area in 365 days. I can BLOG about my visits and share my experiences. Did I mention I'm trying to lose weight? Can I do both? Yeah, I can! I'm super excited about this challenge. Follow me on Twitter for all my daily dessert updates.

In the Meantime,
Check out my 2019 Chesterfield, Missouri Dessert Tour below.


Victoria & Vancouver Dessert Tours


Two Dough Girls