Brand Beginnings


Here’s how It all started

In 2017, I gave up desserts for an entire month. It was hard! Drawing every day was my therapy. I would sketch these little desserts with sad little faces because I figured all the sweets that I wasn't eating were just as miserable as me. At the end of the month, I had 31 illustrations, one for every day I refused desserts in the name of self-control. Currently, I have 19 illustrations in my #nosaddessert portfolio. I took most of those sketches and developed watercolor paintings. The creative process was attractive, and I was excited that I finally found a focus.

For years, I've wanted something that captured my attention. I wanted a project that felt rewarding. I wanted an Etsy shop, a side business. The launch for #nosaddesserts was anxiety-inducing for me. After announcing that my shop was public, I didn't experience a groundswell. More of whatever the equivalent of watching grass grow, but it was thrilling for me. "Look what I did, Mommy!" 

After about two years of pushes products online and at craft festivals, I felt stalled. I needed to regroup. I knew my brand was more than these 19 illustrations, but I couldn't articulate my story. It's taken me almost three years, but I am finally I'm gaining momentum. 

#Nosaddesserts is about eating desserts and enjoying desserts. Check me out on Instagram and Facebook @nosaddesserts as I continue on my life journey of enjoying desserts from all over. 


2020 Dessert Mission
