Vlogging is Hard. . .

I meant Fun.

As I prepared to head into 2022 with #nosaddesserts, I wanted to switch my focus from blogging about sweet treats to vlogging about all my dessert adventures.

At the beginning of 2022, Justin and I traveled to Kansas City, Missouri, and later in the year we visited Savannah, Georgia. In the summer, we accompanied friends to the Illinois State Fair in Springfield, Illinois. Lastly, we visited my younger sister in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the fall. All of our travels have corresponding vlogs on my YouTube channel that highlight my favorite treats in each city. 

. . . it allows me to revisit vacation highlights.

YouTube created a space for me to make content to share. Still, more importantly, it allows me to revisit vacation highlights. The vlogs share fun times with friends, family, and especially Justin; this has become my primary reason for vlogging. Another is enjoying parts of the creative process, story creation, and editing. Video development is what I think of as the "fun part". The "hard part" is constantly stretching myself to perform on camera. I must tamp down my shyness to be bold and engage with kind strangers everywhere. "To people" is a verb I used to describe the action of forcing myself to button up my awkward side and to present myself as a calm, confident, charismatic person. "Peopling" can be extremely hard for me, but I take on the challenge because the rewards feel satisfying. 

The days I can plan, record, arrange, edit, publish, and promote my life experiences are worth the strain.

The practice of vlogging doesn’t make the next video easier to create. Practice just makes the final video better than the last.
— Me

Each time I start a new project, I must rediscover the confidence to create boldly. I must trust that I will finish what I started and find joy in remembering life's sweeter moments. 

But more often than not, #nosaddesserts takes a back seat, and I enjoy my desserts in peace - without digital media.




2022 Dessert Wrap-up